After the hangover of the Regional is interesting to see, right in the middle of the conflict between Berlusconi and Fini, Italians how they respond to questions and develop the Centre's political weekly that we have suspended during the election period.
Voting intentions: the PDL stands at 34.0% , the Northern League comes to 13.0% and Right of Storace at 2.0%. The Democratic Party goes down to 26.0% , the IDV is 7.5%, well 's Casini's UDC to 7.0%. Left and Right of Ecology Vendola is 3.0%, 2.5% the PRC and instead goes to the Italian Communists, 1, 3% of the Lista Pannella-Bonino and finally the ' 1.0% the Greens i.
confidence in Ministers: the ranking of Ministers is headed, paired 55% to the Minister and the Minister Maroni Brunetta followed Frattini Carfagna at 50.0%, while Alfano and Scajola are 48.0% of confidence, gradually all the others.
Government and Opposition: confidence Berlusconi stood the 54.0%, while its government is to 48.0%. Confidence in ' opposition is 29.0%, while that of Bersani is 25.0%.
Charges institutional well the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano 60.0%, 8.0% instead of 4 for President of the Senate Schifani and 50.0% for the President of the Chamber, Gianfranco Fini .
The Parent : Mouthpiece Franceschini and drive the patrol with the 36.0%, followed by Gasparri with 35% and 34.0% with Anna Finocchiaro.
Methodology: Source Crespi Ricerche. CATI telephone survey on a sample of 1,000 interviews with adult population, carried out between 19 and 20 April 2010. The sample was structured according to the demographic characteristics of sex and age and geographical areas and size centers.
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