The heat of August, every year, it reserves the dark moments. Generally, in the month of hot weather par excellence, the most heinous crimes occur. In 2010, however, witnessing the merger of the brains of certain politicians. Moreover, it is undeniable that the heat has gripped Italy in a fierce for many days. Imagine if we had been what would happen in Russia.
Certainly there is to be genuinely concerned about the future for what once was called Bel Paese ... concerned that, if instead of groped to solve the problems that strangle the Italians, the head of the government is trying desperately for a way 'out of the morass in which it is driven by the disinterested advice of the old colonels of the National Alliance.
And this does not seem to find it difficult to trample everything and everybody, Italy and alliances including using methods and means worthy of what was once the Soviet empire. Obviously, in behalf of democracy. Also in observance of the founding fathers borrowed from the Soviet henchmen of the court of miracles that are around for years. Men who, after having studied and learned, and of course, fought in the ranks of the Italian Communist Party or the extreme fringes, now do not have many problems to use a method worthy of Lubyanka (KGB for not accustomed) to those seen as enemies to be suppressed.
To their misfortune the time of the Cheka (forerunner of the KGB) are not far away and can kill opponents with one shot in the neck.
But evolution chekists chechebista and gentlemen have learned that the pen over the sword kills. So do not hesitate to give big guns on those media that the Prime Minister says do not check for decades. And so between the news services and minzoliniani fediani, which show us Italians on holiday spending and spreading, forgetting to make pieces on Censis report that tells us that 6 out of 10 Italians who stay at home because they can not afford the beautiful Holidays minzolinfediane, gossip and articles on the same week, it also happens that Felt and company prepare dossiers, make inquiries, throw the monster on the front page condemning to the stake without even the judiciary they have heard.
A typical attitude of the Communist press release. It almost seems to be back in time when, by a trivial example, incidents and clashes were happening at the university where young people were attacked on the right (known to be in the minority) in the newspapers of the Red Aid (which the employees are very familiar with the Knight) the version was the usual: Attacked by a group of fascist squads a group of young Democrats who demonstrated peacefully ... ..
But if this attitude there could also be because it was part of the game, it is unacceptable to happen within the governing majority.
A majority supported finiano from the group, which is still part of the PDL (It is worth repeating because it plays a lot on expulsions never occurred), which has no intention of abandoning. At least for now. Obviously the question is clear to all, leaning against Gianfranco Fini and the parliamentary groups that refer to him the blame for early elections.
But we are so confident that Berlusconi wants these elections? It appears that in reality the Knight is the victim of yet another scam engineered by the former Communist hawks in cahoots with former colonels of An determined to get their hands on the assets of MSI-An. And the proof is from the fact that the complaint against persons unknown even arrives who had gone to the National Alliance, founding a new party. Paradoxical as it is now working for this party going to end up under the protective wing of the premier. But this is politics. It is true that politics still rules that must be respected. So you can not hear talk of war with the defeatist and resigned when the words come from those who are overwhelmed by the processes and judgments pending or even sentences. Who does not know where democracy is at home, who appoints ministers who resigned after two days from is condemned by those who, supported by the left hates so much, it is always escaped at the launch of a law on conflict of interest. There could be many other things to say, but space is what it is.
In the end, prevail throughout a Christian parable. That the mote and the beam. All would be well advised to look at the plank in their own eye rather than the straw that others have. This is especially true for former colonels of the National Alliance.
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