Monday, February 14, 2011

Brent Corrigan Preview

females against males again in the first

continues unabated boom of Italian cinema. For the second consecutive weekend in the head at the box office for females against males. In 10 days of programming aquas h totaled € 8 million. Immature reaches the unexpected figure € 14 million, while those who finally breaks down the roof of the 15 million euro is any Albanian Antonio, while the speech of the King continues to grind box office, reaching € 3 million and a half.
positive debut for 3D Sanctum. € 1,277,422 € for the thriller produced by James Cameron, while other new entries are just the crumbs. Only € 333,388.87 for Gianni and women, unable to ride the boom of "The Mid-August Lunch," and are collected by € 316,143.04's Burlesque. Few, for a genre, the musical, which in Italy has always struggled a lot. Worse went to the other two novelties, namely the truffacuori, € 285,171, and Rabbit Hole, € 102,679. Let's see if the next weekend will be the Italian securities to excel again.


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