At 10 days after the Academy Awards ceremony is time to quit "Oscar" to the cinema, this weekend includes among other new entries Love & and other remedies As you know, but we will focus on Black Swan and The Grit , next candidates for the fact statue scope.
Black Swan - Black Swan is a film by Darren Aronosfsky (The Wrestler) nominated for five Academy Awards, which sees the protagonist be a young dancer Natalie Portman in her role divided from the lovely and innocent white swan and the most treacherous and intriguing black swan, able to attract to itself all the attention possible. After a series of selections Portman manages to get the part but is less convinced of being able to impersonate the dark side of the swan, this pressure will not change in his daily life that will put it in front of a clash with Mila Kunis, his rival, and soon will begin a troubled relationship ...
A background in film noir history uncertain that we recommend to lovers of curiosities and ambiguous
The Grit bravely tells the story already told in the last century impeccable John Wayne the Marshall Cogburn "one of the toughest men in the west to the fact established by a young 14 year old eager to avenge his father's death by a gunman.
path Cogburn will take that to the murderess is not so simple though.
The Coen brothers have a warranty, the 10 Oscar nominations but frankly I'd say Jeff Bridges also holds fatigue comparison with its better-known predecessor. Matt Damon and Sheila Leboeuf if nothing else make the film more palatable. Recommended for larger, nostalgic of spaghetti westerns.
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