Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Clean Exploded Battery

fanuc control parameters for machining of titanium rudder

Image of a processing step of changing a wheel in titanium performed on a CNC vertical machining center with CNC Siemens. Tool body diameter 90 mm by 12 mm round inserts, speed 400 revolutions per minute and avnzamento 200 mm per minute.

on our customer Nicolini Offshore Committee.

Friday, April 11, 2008

What Is The Best Drugstore Eye Cream?

Processing cam-021

The following parameters for the machining of the cam in question:

cam 007

roughing cutter prof -21
agreed to give 40 inserts a stock S1400 f300

prof 1.5

finish discordant bur dia20 s500 F120

bevel agree s2000 f600