Thursday, May 11, 2006

Can Spicy Food Cause Sweating Of Scalp

Siena's Pillow Fight

Here's the video of the event.
We tumors cushion succeeded very well thanks to the collaboration of all those present, the Goliarda, the City of Siena, Siena Radio and the League of tumors.

We participated in many, have been sold over a thousand pillows and beyond that to charity, there were older women who have upgraded their kitchen!

For almost an hour there was a continuous scuscinamento and when the speaker of the radio Siena gave away a soft cloud of madness enveloped all participants. No
bruised apart someone who has dislocated his jaw too much for laughs .. We collected

a nice nest egg that will, obviously, the Cancer League of Siena, but we are happy, albeit late, of having been promoters of an initiative that has helped someone, have fun doing many more.

Thank you, thank you all for all ...

Bnupdate Diablo Bnclient

Lunch goliards

Here's the video of the university boys' lunch on the last day of the weekday and a few hours before the big cushion of Siena's Pillow Fight!

Here are the pictures!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Good Profile Pic Poses

of the party and the pillow

Unfortunately, over the festival was all returned to work and then hiding the post and especially the video of the pillow. We
More than a thousand and it was great!

If the video documentation still later, that photo is already online for some time right here!

Thanks to everyone for participating!

In the coming days with a comment on any evidence of that afternoon's crazy!

Saturday, May 6, 2006

Adjusting Xtra-10 Suspension T

Burlata Serenissima. Sold out. Before

Finished carousing at the bar in the theater and of course we went there, needless to say, a show! I swear it was packed, even show you pictures:

The whole gallery is here obviously ! During the event there were people
attached to the walls and roof like Spiderman, and we tried to do my best, or better said, we enjoyed like crazy to our usual, but judging by bisse and applause, it went really great!

We repeat for the last time, especially as the next post will talk about just this ...
at 17:00 in Piazza del Campo.
We tumors pillow!

Come, come, We're Mad, everyone ... including tourists!

Consequences Of Fake Id


Here are some pictures and even video of the second afternoon pre-operetta ... I would say that there is very little say, but I assure you that the climate has remained exciting until the beginning of the representation, and also during and after ...

course is the whole gallery on Flickr, but if not enough, here too the videoooo!

the pillow a few hours ...
we take tumors cushion ... and you?! Come

people otherwise we will come (tutti.. Those of Piazza del Campo) to pick up at home!

Friday, May 5, 2006

Am I In A Flood Zone Houston

Appointment tomorrow

As we write the wagons already champing at the bit and we young goliards esteem by giving the best of us to celebrate and respect our tradition.
away from the top of the house and then running down running down to the Piazza del Comune di Siena, our friend and collaborator.

After the hard work over the inevitable refreshments, there will be awards for winners and needless to say, it will be our wonderful godmother Michelle to deliver the gifts.

After that we will repeat the operetta and another nice dinner with us actors.

The important thing, however, that we want to remind you how we are doing now for a couple of days now, in all places and in all ways, is the Piazza del Campo cushion.

We Tumors cushion casserole dish and let's do it!

We wait for ya?

will soon be on-line images of both the race today, that the cushion of tomorrow!
Mettiamocela all because it's worth it!

guys we are going to run with the carts, you stretch your hands as you need it tomorrow I promise!

Fox Racing Phone Case

Here are the pictures after the first operetta The

promessovi As before, here are the pictures of the pre-evening yesterday. Here continues our gallery on Flickr, and we want to remember for the ennesissima time tomorrow there will be a manifestation We Tumors cushion and I recommend you do not miss it!

Superman Wrestling Headgear

Yesterday we had the debut.
There was everything from the orchestra, the audience, the beautiful women ready to show their sorrisei our jokes.

beginning there is always a bit 'of tension, but we, as good goliards we got to laugh and we teased one another to defuse.
However even before the operetta, by the way, La Serenissima Hoax, we did a little 'binge in front of the theater with music and a toast to no end.
In the next hours we will also share with you the photos for pictures of that lovely pre-evening.

Well of course over the representation as planned we went to dinner together in the Contrada of the jungle and we tell you to do .. even there the evening was wonderful!
umpteenth toast no longer had any argument to celebrate (simply because they had already exhausted all), but we kept our undying classic collegiate style ..

I hope you already arranged for tomorrow morning.
You can not miss, we tumors cushion he needs you, otherwise, with whom we take?!

Thursday, May 4, 2006

Garrison Smoke Alarm Keeps Chirping

The first operetta

Tonight will be the first operetta
BURL La Serenissima.

Obviously being the first, we have no images to show, especially since the tests are covered by confidentiality Goliardo then, here are some pictures of last year.

What do you think?!

How To Prevent Wavemaster From Moving

Rules Feriae Matricularum

Since We Tumors cushion is the final initiative of the weekday, you have to understand that these are, then we read the Articles:

Art 63) is traditionally define Feriae Matricularum day which is the main event of the year collegiate course.
Art 64) The date of the weekday Matricularum is determined by the Prince, as well as their duration.
Art 65) The duration of the weekday Matricularum must be compatible with the limits of the human psycho-physical.
Art 66) The activities to be held during the Feriae Matricularum are decided by the Prince. Art
67) Inside the Feria Matrìcularum necessarily has to place the following activities: get rid scholarum (also called "schools"), publication of a single representation Operetta
Art 68) Schools should be made groups from a total goliards, provided a significant number of mechanical means of transport to physical energy, solar, electrical, chemical, etc..
Art 69) The single resonance and diffusion must have at least the town.
Art 70) The Operetta must be able to be represented in one of the major theaters in the city, by custom of the municipal theater or Renewed Rozzi.
Art 71) The Operetta must be recited by the Feria goliards Matricularum. It must have the original text, written by former goliards or jokes.
Art 72) The Feriae Matricularum open privately for goliards at the stroke of midnight that begins the first day of the Feria Matricularum set.
Art 73) The Feriae Matricularum officially open with the artichokes.
Art 74) The artichokes should take place around noon on the first day of Feria Matricularum.
Art 75) The artichoke takes place in Piazza Tolomei.
Art 76) The artichoke has the following schedule: the godmother or someone on her (tit. XII) from the balcony overlooking the traditional formula reads: In nomine Bacci Tabacci Venerisque declare open Feriae Matricularum 199 ...". The Prince, facing with the Authority, and singing the anthem Gaudeamus for an unlimited number of times. The people in collegiate party traditionally targets and Principe Authority with the launch of artichokes, thrown more or less violently as the mood of goliards
Art 77) for the artichoke is forbidden to obtain mechanical instruments to the launch of the artichokes. Art
78) Like the artichoke, even before the opera, but after that the public has taken place in the theater, the Prince, looking out with the ballad from the royal box, and sings anthem Gaudeamus, for no more than a hundred times .
Art 79) The Feriae Matricularum will officially close at the end of the last song sung at the end of the operetta. This occurs when the passage of the stamps.

Boobs Milk And A Dog Drink

The Cancer League

As we have said from the beginning, Take the cushion Cancer is an initiative of the funny, but a good end, a good that is not only to classic fun stark.
All offerings made for the purchase of the pillows in fact, be devolved to the Lega Tumori Senese years that deals with prevention and research autofinaziandosi as NPO.

few days ago we had a meeting with the president of the League, which has shown us how the funding and reporting can save more lives than you might think.
Dr. Noble fact explains the activities of the center, spoke about prevention and early detection as the only way to truly safeguard the health of cancer.
He made a distinction between the primary prevention and secondary stating that that the first refers health education promoting a healthy lifestyle and active, while secondary prevention is the most traditional early diagnosis. Superb
told of machine tools, can identify with a simple mammogram, the tumor eight years before it reaches full size palpable at this stage a very simple operation mutilating eliminate the problem by allowing in fact, to save a life ... you said nothing!

We want to help with double everything that we can collect the cushion lasted, but also doing a little ' information and a bit 'of health literacy because die implosion is a terrible thing.

We want you to understand that this is not an abstract issue and unsolvable such as world hunger, this is a real problem, and unfortunately too frequent newspaper and then talk about it, maybe in a pillow and the other, but let's talk.

In these reflections of course add the usual maximum for personal safety: Always use a condom-

-unn go into the woods at night-
we never collect the thousands of pounds from the ground bending over, especially now that there 's €
-not even talk to strangers if you get lost in a city that is not your
-do not accept candy from strangers
-wife and oxen from your
-like father, like son
And above all, the most important ...

-so goes the cat to lard, who died obese, then ATTENTION GUYS!

How Long For Mole Removal To Heal

First Day of Feriae

Last night was the beginning of the weekday collegiate-style welcome.
Great party, great participation and of course ... great fun.

E 'was an orgy of music, feathers, beautiful girls and above us, young and stalwart goliards with great desire to be together, have fun and respect the traditions. Well

is because if someone was not aware, our Association (and never was more appropriate capital), and there celebrated since 1300, in accordance with professionalism and great sense of duty the stringent rules set out here we gave you a little taste.

Of course the rules have gone just a little adjusting, if only because some of our venues at that time were not there, but realize that still follow ancient traditions that!
Sometimes I think about it and it's really great!

Vabbeh we leave now, because it still requires the exhaustion of some more coffee.

We are soon for more updates .. I recommend leggeteci and especially do not miss the Saturday event: Take tumors cook!

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Apo-pms- What's The Difference

The fundamental principles of the Inauguration


I) Feriae Matricularum Senensium are an institution goliardic libertarian, not democratic, based on the stamps.

II) Sovereignty belongs to the Prince, who exercise it as he sees fit, by tradition, to stamps.

III) Feriae Matricularum are goliardia Siena. They belong to the city of Siena, and recognize it as one of its most deeply rooted traditions.

IV) Feriae Matricularum allow and encourage freedom of thought. The manifestation of this freedom of thought, however, is subject to stamp duty.

V) The Feriae Matricularum properly so called the last full calendar year. We also define Feriae Matricularum current-day celebration specified in Title VII.

VI) Can '"Feriae Matricularum make" every male college student is or surgically acquired irrespective of University of belonging, in whole subject to the laws governing Feriae Matricularum.

VII) The controversy is the " salt of the weekday.

Adjusting Xtra-10 Suspension Rrss


the thirteen was held the opening of the Feria is already the way we started you should think about what will happen Saturday .

early tourists and aficionados Tolomei wandered around the square while everything seemed to go like any other day ..
Who knew already looking forward to the casino there would be a little later while most of foreign nationality, they looked around between arches, pinnacles and some typical Italian dove more beautiful than German or English.

At one point, and coarsely colored cars are sounding their access to the streets and the show begins:

After their arrival they started well of course the songs:

And after that ... the artichoke to the prince, his advisers and the godmother Michelle!

Well this is just the beginning!

Stay tuned and I recommend ... Saturday, May 6 !

Here is our gallery on Flickr ! Come see what we are beautiful!

Free Knitting Patterns Papoose

Pillow fight Siena

Saturday, May 6 in the beautiful Piazza del Campo in Siena for the occasion, decked out to receive the large audience, led by the very serious desire to have fun and to conclude in the beauty Feriae Matricularum , we goliards Siena we invite you to participate in the Pillow Fight with the theme:

We tumors pillow.

to 17:00 (but come first), will begin soft battle to open the dances are, in addition to all of us present and signed, including the mayor, citizens, tourists and all those who manage to do enter the vortex scuscinante furious.

not need anything, and there are enough belly because the pillows you can buy directly in the field (of battle).
The whole initiative was born because it is easily reached via the weekday, that to give a hand to those who are less fortunate than us and the entire proceeds of this event will be donated to the Cancer League Senese.

The money will not only need to hit our neighbors, to finance research and strengthening of structures dedicated to the prevention of the League, and all for a symbolic price of 1 € which obviously represents the 'basic package that we are sure will be overcome.

believe that's enough for now, need to do is spread the word, organizations and parties.

Gia the Roman Pillow Fight has been a great success and we will try to repeat using the leverage a week of pure jokes.

Here is the Flickr group . Here's the video of

will keep you updated since early afternoon on what Siena is preparing to host these days is why we invite all right now, but force you not to miss Saturday 6 above.
We are experiencing a week of madness and you have to participate.
Saturday will be the highlight as well as the opportunity to enjoy carefree we can help someone who we hope will join the party.

Keep up to date here, please.
Spread the word.
Call friends, cousins, uncles, grandchildren, twin brother you never knew, the mother-in-law, ex-boyfriend, the accountant, the friend to smell your breath .. in short, everything you have on hand, foot, mail, phone etc etc.

VAI at home to see what we are combining ...