Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Adjusting Xtra-10 Suspension Rrss


the thirteen was held the opening of the Feria is already the way we started you should think about what will happen Saturday .

early tourists and aficionados Tolomei wandered around the square while everything seemed to go like any other day ..
Who knew already looking forward to the casino there would be a little later while most of foreign nationality, they looked around between arches, pinnacles and some typical Italian dove more beautiful than German or English.

At one point, and coarsely colored cars are sounding their access to the streets and the show begins:

After their arrival they started well of course the songs:

And after that ... the artichoke to the prince, his advisers and the godmother Michelle!

Well this is just the beginning!

Stay tuned and I recommend ... Saturday, May 6 !

Here is our gallery on Flickr ! Come see what we are beautiful!


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